This is the personal site of Michael Mulet (aka mmulet). I'm a software engineer and general tinkerer and inventor.
You can find some of my work below:
Hack-Words - An in-browser demo of compressed sensing presented as a riddle game.
In game screenshot:
Ai-by-Ai - Using AI to create classical AIs at unprecedented scale!
JellyML - An open-source tool for improving reproducibility in ML research workflows by adding a snapshot of the experiment code to a Pytorch model save file.
Screenshot of the CLI:
Code Relay - A fun new way to write code by passing off small tasks between coders like a baton is passed in a relay race.
Screenshot of the website:
Screen Saver Exporter - Export your After Effects compositions as screen savers for Windows and Mac with one click
The font ChiKareGo2 by Giles Booth is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution